Wednesday 13 June 2007

Lamb Kebabs - Indian Style

After having spent 3 months volunteering in Sri Lanka earlier this year I love all things spicy!
Having a barbecue is a perfect excuse to eat spicy food. These lamb seekh kebabs are just fabulous and will get your guests taste buds zinging with pleasure.

Lamb Seekh Kebabs

1lb or 500g minced lamb
1 small onion - chopped very finely in a food processor if possible
3 cloves garlic - peeled and crushed
1 red chilli - seeds removed and very finely chopped
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp paprika
1 egg beaten
a sprig of fresh coriander
a generous addition of salt and pepper

1. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients together by hand in a large bowl.
2. Divide into 8 portions.
3. Roll each portion into a sausage shape and then push a skewer down the middle and press the meat around the skewer firmly.
4. Chill for at least 30 minutes in the fridge.
5. Remove from the fridge and place on the pre-prepared barbecue once the coals are white and not flaming.
6. Turn regularly and cook for about 20 minutes. Check the inside is cooked thoroughly before serving.

This is so easy to prepare and will taste great. Serve with fresh salad and mango chutney.


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